Anger Transformed:
A 7-Week Quest
This Quest is for Adults (Parents or Otherwise)!
Do you feel like you have to YELL to get your kids to listen?
Does this sound familiar? You create a rule that the house needs to be clean at the end of each day. Everyone, including your kids, agrees. Unfortunately, no matter how positive, encouraging, and kind you are, the rule is consistently broken. Your boundaries are violated. You end up doing all the cleaning on your own and you find your anger impossible to contain...
What about this? You wake up in the morning and in a one-hour time frame you make several well-balanced lunches, get ready (feeling like a superhero if you're able to wash your hair!), struggle to get the kids ready for school, and rush out the door. You spend the next 8-10 hours busting your booty at work and come home tired to the bone. After slapping together some dinner, you push through a challenging bedtime routine. Then, one of your kids that you love more than life itself pops out of his room. He's awake, he can't sleep, he wants water, he needs to go to the bathroom... you lose it...
Or this? You have a child or partner at home that is constantly angry and aggressive. You feel like you need to walk on eggshells to avoid an angry outburst. You try every trick in the book, but can't seem to control their anger or aggression. This person you care about is not learning from your model of self-regulation. Eventually, you join in the fighting, yelling, and screaming.
It's not that you don't love your family, you do. It's not that you're a mean-spirited person, that couldn't be further from the truth. It's not that you're not trying your best, you are. You are just experiencing anger in your life and you are not alone.

Transformations You Can Expect:
- Transform the energy lost from yelling and other manifestations of anger into space for gratitude and joy
- Transform a feeling of helplessness and loss of control to anger into choice and empowerment
- Transform negative self-talk that perptuates the pressure cycle into accurate, actionable thought patterns
- Transform your relationship with anger, and begin to make it work as a positive catalyst for change
- Transform how you create and hold boundaries for your children to avoid power struggles
- Transform communication with your kids to eliminate nagging
- Transform your ability to teach your child self-regulation skills in the face of anger (even if your child is super-duper strong willed)
- Transform your understanding of the connection between anxiety and anger in a child
You also get:
- PDF Downloads including exercises for each week
- Additional materials to teach the skills to kids

The Authors
Dr. Shefali
Dr. Shefali is a NY Times Bestselling Author, world-renowned clinical psychologist, and international speaker at conferences and workshops around the world.

Renee Jain
Renee Jain, is recognized as a pioneer in marrying technology and child psychology in a unique approach that nurtures the hearts and minds of kids. Through her writing, product invention and development, masterclasses for parents, and children’s advocacy, she works to build the emotional intelligence of kids, including resilience, empathy, kindness, and critical thinking.
Ready to Join?
You're not enrolling into any old course, this is a 7-week coaching program. In other words, it's a more effective learning platform. Typically, if you buy an online courses, you do self-study for hours at a time. This course is structured to provide a transformative learning experience.
How much is the investment?
Typically, Dr. Shefali charges $350-400 per private session, and Renee's courses range up to several hundred dollars per course. You won't pay close to that for this quest. In fact, the whole Quest including all 7 weeks of classes is less than one private session.
BUY NOW - $350